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16.05. Leimersheim
13.06. Landeck - Johannisfeuer
27.06. Burg Münzenburg
05.09. Landeck - Saisonabschluss

17:00 Uhr

05.12.2020 St. Gallus, Birkenhördt,
17:00 Uhr


Boat On The River

See A Boat On The River
He left on a boat
Just to follow a dream
He had to find.
You cant hold a man
When he follows a dream
Thats on his mind.

I see a boat on the river,
Its sailing away
Down to the ocean,
Where to I cant say.

Boat on the river,
Its sailing away
Down to the ocean,
Where to I cant say.

I waited for him
Such a very long time,
Dont Know what for
cause I should have known
When he left on the boat
Well meet no more.

I see a boat on the river,
Its sailing away
Down to the ocean,
Where to I cant say.

Boat on the river,
Its sailing away
Down to the ocean,
Where to I cant say.

Boat on the river,
Its sailing away
Down to the ocean,
Where to I cant say.

Boat on the river.
Youre bound for the sea,
If you should find him
Please greet him from me.

There were people who came
And said its really a shame,
Why did he take off
To follow just a dream.
But I guess they were wrong,
In life youre sailing along
And things dont turn out
As simple as they seem.

Boat on the river,
Its sailing away
Down to the ocean,
Where to I cant say.

I see a boat on the river,
Its sailing away
Down to the ocean,
Where to I cant say.

I see a boat on the river.
Youre bound for the sea,
If you should find him
Please greet him from me.

Boat on the river,
Its sailing away
Down to
